

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

9 Tips to get more Twitter Followers

The tips are just a matter of my twitter experience. Use them wisely for getting good number of followers and have a great time on twitter.

  • Tip 1: Follow to get followed, but take it easy. Don’t follow 500 people a day. Keep your following/followers ratio near 1:1. Let’s say you follow 500 people and have 500 followers, then it would not be wise to follow 500 more in one day, rather in a week or more.
  • Tip 2: Provide value, share interesting stuff, give relevant information. If you read something interesting on the web, share the link. Participate in conversations.
  • Tip 3: Fill in your bio and picture. People get turned away if there’s nothing to see in your Twitter profile. Write something about yourself and add a picture, preferably one that shows you. People like to know who they talk to.
  • Tip 4: Create a blog or a website. In addition to filling in your bio, a link to your blog will provide more information about you. It will show your personality in a more detailed way than the short bio in your Twitter profile.
  • Tip 5: Re-tweet whatever you find valuable and reply to your followers. They will do the same to you and your name will appear to their followers.
  • Tip 6: Participate in a Twitter party. If there’s a Twitter meetup in your area, make sure to be there. You’ll find many new followers there.
  • Tip 7: Share your Twitter username on your social networks, on the forums and blogs, get listed in Twitter directories.
  • Tip 8: Be you and be original. Don’t be afraid to say what you think. A good opinion on something will get retweeted or replied to and will expose your profile. Also, personalize your profile, change colors and background.
  • Tip 9: Tweet regularly. That doesn’t mean you have to tweet 24/7, but try to do it every day. If people see your profile was last updated 1 week ago, they will probably not follow you.

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